How To Root Android Device without PC in One Minute? | Geek Solve

How To Root Android Device without PC in One Minute?

How To Root Android Device without PC in One Minute?

Rooting is a process of allowing users of smart phones, tablets, and other devices that operate on the Android mobile operating system to achieve a distinctive control (known as root access) on the various subsystems robot. Android also uses the Linux kernel, rooting Android device that allows similar access to administrative permissions as on other Linux or Unix-like operating system such as FreeBSD or OS X.

All too often rooting in order to overcome the limitations that carriers and device manufacturers to put on some devices. Thus, rooting gives the ability (or permission) to change or replace the applications and system settings, run specialized applications that require administrator-level permissions, or perform other operations that can not be accessed unless the user to normal robot. On Android, rooting can also facilitate the complete removal and replacement of the operating system of the device, usually with the launch of a newer version of the current operating system.

Sometimes it is compared root access to the tricks devices that run on Apple's operating system iOS. However, these are different concepts. Bypass describes the tricks of the several types of ban Apple's end user: Amendment of the operating system (forced by the "locked bearing"), and the installation of approved applications is officially over sideloading, and the granting of privileges on the high level of user management. Only a minority of Android devices lock the bootloaders and many vendors such as HTC, Sony, Asus and Google expressly provides the ability to open devices, and even replace the operating system altogether. Similarly, the possibility of transferring applications are usually allowed on Android devices without root permissions. Thus, it is primarily on the third side of the IOS and tricks relating to give users administrative privileges Ripper, which is linked directly to Android rooting.

Rooting an Android device may Void your device warranty or if rooting process is not done properly, your device may also get bricked. We are not at all responsible any damages caused to your device while rooting.

How to Root Android Device without PC in a Minute?

#1: Go to your Phone Settings.

#2: Scroll down and click on Security

#3: Then Scroll down and Tick for unknown sources option.

#4: Maybe warning popup will be appear. Ignore it and Click Ok.

#5: First check supported devices for using this app

#6: If your Device supportable then download and Install the Framaroot App. [Direct Link v19.3]

#7: After installing, open the app.

#8: Now select what you want to install, Superuser or SuperSU.

#9: After selecting, click on Gandalf. If app crashed by clicking on Gandalf then don't worry. Relaunch the app and it will not crash second time.

#10: After sometimes, it will show you a message about success.

#11: Reboot your device.

#12: Done. Your device in rooted now.



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Geek Solve: How To Root Android Device without PC in One Minute?
How To Root Android Device without PC in One Minute?
Geek Solve
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