Xiaomi, a very popular Chinese smartphone maker, which accounts for 22% of smartphone shipments in India, announced the launch of the latest stable MIUI 9 Global ROM. The company has unveiled plans and schedules during the launch of the Redmi Y1 and Y1 Lite smartphones in India. The beta version of MIUI 9 ROM is currently available for quite some time. Therefore, if you have used public beta on your Xiaomi smartphone, you should almost update to the final build.
The new MIUI 9 offers great features such as App Vault, Smart Assistant, split-screen multitasking, image search, and more.
Now, before you get all excited about the update, make sure your Xiaomi device supports the latest version of MIUI. Please check and see the list of compatible smart phones below.
Year of Realease | Model |
2017 | Mi Mix 2, Mi Note 3, Mi 6, Mi Max 2, Redmi Note 4, Redmi Note 4X, Redmi Note 5A, Redmi 4, Redmi 4X, Redmi Y1, Redmi Y1s |
2016 | Mi Mix, Mi Note 2, Mi 5, Mi 5s, Mi 5s Plus, Mi Max, Mi Max Prime, Redmi Note 3, Redmi 3, Redmi 3s, Redmi 4, Redmi 4A |
2015 | Mi Note, Mi 4i, Redmi 2, Redmi 2 Prime, Redmi Note 4G Prime, Redmi Note 2 |
2014 | Mi 4, Redmi Note 4G |
2013 | Mi 3 |
2012 | Mi 2 |
Redmi Week 4, Mid Mix 2, Mid Max 2 and Y1 will be the first devices to receive a stable MIUI 9 ROM. Xiaomi has launched an update rollout of the highly successful Redmi Note 4 and Mi Max 2 smartphones today, so Indian consumers can expect to receive OTA alerts in the next few days.