Any error in Windows 10? Now you can get straight Help from Microsoft engineers

The most convenient way is to choose your chat. before starting chat you have to give your phone number in case connection lost so he can call on your phone. If you choose to chat and if your problem is such that it may get access to your desktop engineer to fix it would allow too. The engineer will provide a tool for your system via Remote Desktop Access, after you install the tool will allow your computer to be accessible to engineers. Leave the mouse after contact and connect the work of the engineer's, they will solve your problem.
Now you don't need anyone to help you, just contact microsoft and get best help for your problems.
To do this, After clicking on start type "Support" in search box and click on Contact Support.

After opening the Support Application it will try to contact to Microsoft Helpline.
After contacting Microsoft helpline these categories will help you.
After choosing the correct category will be asked whether you want to chat, such as how to get help or to call schedule. Choose the option of your choice. This way you can easily fix windows problems by contacting Microsoft.

I hope you learned everything.